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It is important that you learn good brushing technique to prevent cavities. This is especially important for children. We explain in detail what the best way to brush your teeth is, and where necessary we try to prevent cavities by applying fluoride to the teeth and molars. If it is necessary to make the molars with deep grooves more accessible for the toothbrush, we can provide them with a permanent sealant. This helps you while brushing and prevents cavities.

Filling cavities in teeth is done when there is tooth decay (caries) or damage to the tooth surface. This can be caused by plaque buildup, poor oral hygiene, excessive sugar intake or genetic factors (rare).


  1. Diagnosis: The dentist examines the teeth using a mirror, probe and X-rays to determine the extent of tooth decay.
  2. Anesthesia: If necessary, a local anesthetic will be administered to minimize pain during the treatment.
  3. Caving: The dentist removes the affected tooth material using a drill.
  4. Cleaning: The drilled area is thoroughly cleaned to remove all bacteria and tooth decay.
  5. Filling: The cavity is filled with a filling material such as composite. The material is applied in layers and hardened using a special light.
  6. Finish: The filling is shaped and polished to create a comfortable and durable restoration.

Side effects and objections

– Pain or tenderness after treatment

– Tooth sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures

– Allergic reaction to filling materials (rare)

– Temporary numbness due to anesthesia


The cost of a filling can vary depending on the complexity of the treatment. The standard rates of the NZa are used for the dental codes.


– Preservation of the natural tooth structure

– Preventing further damage and tooth decay

– Improvement of the aesthetics and function of the tooth

– Relief of pain and tenderness


– Refills have a limited lifespan and may need to be replaced

– Risk of side effects and complications

– Risk of side effects and complications

In general, filling cavities in teeth is an effective and necessary treatment to stop tooth decay and maintain dental health. It is important to visit the dentist regularly for checkups and preventive care to minimize the risk of cavities.

A root canal treatment is performed when the nerve of a tooth or molar is inflamed, infected or dead. This can be caused by tooth decay (cavity), a fracture in the tooth, a leaking filling or trauma such as a hard blow to the tooth.


  1. The dentist numbs the area around the tooth with a local anesthetic.
  2. A small opening is made in the tooth to access the root canal.
  3. The infected nerves are removed using special instruments.
  4. The root canal is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.
  5. The cleaned canal is filled with a rubbery material called gutta-percha.
  6. Finally, the tooth is closed with a temporary or permanent filling or crown.

Side effects and objections

Some possible side effects and after-effects of root canal treatment include pain and discomfort after the treatment, swelling of the surrounding tissue, infection, temporary sensitivity and sometimes a fracture can occur in the root of the tooth.


The cost of a root canal treatment can vary depending on the complexity of the treatment and the location of the tooth. The standard rates of the NZa are used for the dental codes. In the Netherlands, the costs for a root canal treatment are usually between €300 and €800.


– Preserves the natural tooth and prevents tooth extraction.

– Reduces pain and discomfort caused by the inflammation or infection.

– Prevents spread of infection to surrounding teeth and tissues.


– The process can be time consuming, sometimes requiring multiple visits to the dentist.

– There is a chance of side effects and complications as mentioned earlier.

– The costs can be high depending on the complexity of the treatment.

Removal of wisdom teeth (also called third molars) may be recommended for several reasons. Some indications are:

  1. Insufficient space in the jaw, leading to crooked growth or problems with adjacent teeth.
  2. Recurring infections or inflammation around the wisdom tooth.
  3. Damage to neighboring teeth due to pressure or caries (cavities).
  4. Cyst formation around the wisdom tooth.
  5. Orthodontic reasons.


The process of removing wisdom teeth usually involves the following steps:

  1. A thorough evaluation and x-rays to assess the position and condition of the wisdom teeth.
  2. Local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth.
  3. Possibly an incision in the gums to gain access to the tooth, and sometimes removal of surrounding bone.
  4. Removal of the tooth, sometimes in parts to minimize damage to the surrounding tissue.
  5. Bonding the gums if necessary.
  6. Aftercare instructions and possibly prescribe painkillers or antibiotics.

Side effects and objections

Some possible side effects and after-effects of wisdom teeth removal are:

  1. Pain and swelling in the treated area.
  2. Bleeding that may last for several hours after the procedure.
  3. Difficulty opening the mouth due to stiffness of the jaw muscles.
  4. Temporary numbness or tingling in the lip, chin or tongue due to nerve damage.
  5. Infection or inflammation after the procedure.
  6. Damage to neighboring teeth or jawbone.


The cost of wisdom teeth removal varies depending on the complexity of the procedure and the location. In most cases, the procedure is (partially) reimbursed by dental insurance. It is important to check with your health insurer what the reimbursements are.


  1. Relief from pain and discomfort caused by problematic wisdom teeth.
  2. Reducing the risk of infections and inflammations.
  3. Preventing damage to adjacent teeth and jawbone.
  4. Improving overall oral hygiene and making cleaning the area easier.


  1. The procedure may cause discomfort and pain during the recovery process.
  2. Risk of complications such as infections, swelling and in very rare cases nerve damage to the lip or tongue.

It is important to discuss with your dentist whether removing your wisdom teeth is necessary and what the possible risks and benefits are in your specific situation.

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