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Dental prosthesis

Obtaining dentures, also known as dentures, is a multi-step process. Below is a brief overview of the process:

Step 1: Consultation
The first step is a visit to the dentist or prosthodontist, who will examine your teeth and determine if dentures are appropriate for your situation

Step 2: Reading up on dentures
Research for yourself what the pros and cons of dentures are, search online or possibly ask others around you who already have them for their experiences. Your dentist or practitioner can also tell you more about it. Below this list are some disadvantages and advantages to getting a dental prosthesis.

Step 3: Making impressions
Impressions of your jaw are made using an impression tray and special impression material. These impressions serve as the basis for fabricating the denture.

Step 4: Bite registration
To ensure that the upper and lower jaws fit together properly, a bite registration is done. This can be done using a wax plate or other device.

Step 5: Trial denture
Based on the impressions and bite registration, the dental technician makes a trial denture. This is fitted in your mouth to make sure it fits properly and no adjustments are needed.

  1. Final denture: After any adjustments are made, the final denture is made. This is fitted again and, if necessary, adjusted until it fits comfortably and functions properly.
  2. Aftercare: It is important to have regular checkups with the dentist or prosthodontist to make sure the denture still fits properly and to identify any problems early. In addition, it is essential to clean and maintain the dentures properly.

This is a brief overview of the process of getting dentures. Some steps may be combined or skipped depending on the practitioner and his working method, or for example, in case of an urgency, or when making an emergency denture.

Benefits of dentures:

  1. Improved aesthetics: Dentures can improve the appearance of your smile by replacing missing teeth and providing a more uniform appearance.
  2. Restored functionality: When your ability to chew and/or speak is poor or very poor, wearing dentures can make chewing and speaking easier, which can lead to better nutritional intake and clearer communication.


Disadvantages of dentures

  1. Adjustment period: It may take some time to get used to wearing dentures, and you may experience discomfort or pain at first, this can last a while.
  2. Limitations: Although dentures can improve the functionality of your mouth, there are some limitations, such as the ability to eat hard or sticky foods.
  3. Reduction of jawbone: Removing your teeth can reduce your jawbone. Also, with long-term use of dentures, your jawbone may deteriorate over time, which can lead to a less stable fit and may require additional treatments. The shape of your face may also be affected by the disappearance of the jawbone. This is then restored to the extent possible by dentures. 


When considering dentures, it is important to consult with your dentist about the best option for your specific situation.

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